With words, there is always a referring to the past, to conventions, to agreements about meaning.

For example the word...... "world"....... connotes objects experienced as "being there" Objects like "experiences", "people", "communications" etc.

For example in this very transferring of pixels from PC screens to PC screens.....a world is created.

Conventionally the word..... "awareness" ......connotes the ability to know that the world is "there."

If the "world" is there......... automatically there is being aware of the world as there.

There is no world existing somewhere, holding a location for itself ...........separately from the being aware of it.

And, there is no being .......... that is not being aware of ... whatever it is that it is aware of.

"You" are a co-appearance along with the appearing of the world, whether that is the awake-dream world or the sleep-dream world.. .... in the instant of their appearing.

And this appearing is happening moment to moment to moment, not just at 5.30 AM when the cell-phone screams and vibrates.

Though none of the appearings have a connection or casual relationship to either the "past appearing" or to the "future appearing"..... ...the apparent similarities in the multiple appearings ......lends to the idea of continuity and thus the continuous "you".

There isn't a big blob of undifferentiated awareness sitting somewhere, like a huge golden orb hanging in space, waiting for something to come along to be aware of.

The big thing these days seems to be "awareness", whether with a big A or a small a.

"Awareness" .......seems to be the last-ditch anchor held onto, to maintain a sense of continuity of one's being, and a continuity of an "ultimate" reality.

Just as words, concepts tend to be held onto.

Until they aren't.

The striving to maintain the sense of continuity translates to the wanting of an "ultimate truth" and "ultimate reality" ...... ......something that is "always and forever what it is" ..... ....whether that be self, or Self, or God, or awareness, or Awareness, or Being ... or even Nothing .

Until (without the connotation of a process unfolding in time, culminating into an event in time)..... .....there isn't any "ultimate thing" or "knowledge" or "being" or "nothing" ....... ....... NOR....... any lack of any "ultimate thing" .
